Wednesday, May 12, 2010

Anyone out there?

Is anyone reading my blog?
There is a certain amount of hope that when I write a blog there is someone benefiting from "my vast knowledge" (he,he).
Of course everyone wants to be heard. I am no exception. Do I have vast knowledge? No, not really, but I do try. I read articles regarding Real Estate and when I see something of interest I will quote it or paraphrase to make it fit. If appropriate I will say where I got the information.
I started my blogs to help people who are new to Real Estate understand what they might need to know, or should know, when they purchase or sell Real Estate.
I didn't want to put anything personal which so many of the bloggers do. That is not a good idea, not my attitude, but law enforcement, lawyers and many other professionals that write regarding bloggers.
One does need to be careful.
Getting to Real Estate.
My acquaintance that usually has some interesting information regarding the market included in his interest rate notification this morning that Hedge Fund Manager, John Paulson, who in 2007 made billions of dollars betting that Real Estate housing market pricing was going to fall is now betting that the market will increase from 3 to 5% this year and as much as 8 to 12% next year.
Even if he is only partially correct and it increases by 2% that would be very good for him and the homeowner and Real Estate investors. (partially gathered from MMG).
So the point is, if you already have a home, hang on to it for awhile longer and of course you will recoup some of your losses and if you are buying now is the time to buy so you can get in on the ground floor.

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