Friday, May 7, 2010

Real Estate Agents

Most Real Estate agents are honest and straight forward in their dealings with their clients...that's you.

People choose their agents by various means.

Some choose a friend. Some choose one from what they heard about them from their friends. Some use the one their family has used for years.

Some take the time to go to the Internet and see if they can find anything good...or bad...about the agents.

Some go and interview the different agents and use a gut feeling as to whom they want to use.
And some look to see who will cost them the least to sell their house.

So how are you supposed to choose your agent?

Any combination of the above works pretty well.

You can also just walk into an office and use who ever has the floor at that time. "has the floor" means that their are enough agents working in the office that time frames are assigned to each agent that they can have whoever calls or walks in asking for an new agent.

You need to feel comfortable with your agent. Don't just take their word that they are doing things for you. You are the boss, they are your employee, via contract, and make sure that they are a REALTOR! (Realtor is now a registered trade mark not just a name!)

A 'Realtor' is an agent that has registered within their area Real Estate area and pays a fee to say that they are a 'Realtor' and lives by the guidelines that they promise to live by.

As a Realtor we owe our clients, that's you, a fiduciary duty. That means we represent you...not ourselves or anyone else. That we are acting on your behalf and make certain that you understand your contracts, disclosures, offers, and anything else that comes up regarding the sale or purchase of the property you are involved in.

So get to know your Realtor. Ask them questions. They should be open and honest and willing to answer your questions.

1 comment:

Unknown said...

This is very good information.i think it's useful advice. really nice blog. keep it up!!!

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