Saturday, May 29, 2010


No Comments!
I've had no comments on any of my postings. It is a little frustrating that no one seems to find my input of any value.
The Real Estate market has been slow. I do have a house in escrow, however the loan end has been giving my client some headaches. They were going for a USDA financing and the government didn't fund it for enough or long enough and the mortgage company had to pull it and change it to FHA.
This of course added expenses to both the buyer and the seller, including a new FHA approved appraisal.
Then, lo and behold, USDA has money again. So we are back to this.
Hopefully we will get it funded before they run out again.
My broker, Terri has a few houses in escrow. I was talking to the agent that I am working with and she stated that she has ten homes in escrow. Her office is in Tulare, a larger and growing community. (I've known agents to exaggerate to make it seem they are doing well.)
I've been driving school buses to supplement my income while the market is slow. I drove my last trip for this school year this past week and will have the summer off.
I enjoy driving, but would rather be working on real estate.

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